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Therapy hasn’t & isn’t always a safe space for Black/Latinx people to heal. Let alone many are not familiar with ancient chakra healing practices.

It’s well-documented that the mental health field has pathologized our culture & notoriously misdiagnoses Black/Brown people.

Yet, our need for healing & restoration runs deep.

Truth is, there are many paths to healing; therapy is just one of them.

In recent years, many of us have turned to “non-traditional” healing that is rooted in indigenous ancient practices once used by our ancestors.

The exciting news is these so-called “new age” healing modalities can be safely & ethically combined with traditional psychotherapy.

My personal healing journey lead me to an integrated form of healing that radically impacted my journey.  It consisted of combining the ancient art of Chakra Healing with traditional talk therapy.

Often when people hear the term Chakras they either become more interested or completely turned off.  People wonder if it’s a religion or worry that it’s something evil.  Others dismiss it as woo-woo & lacking any real value.

So what are Chakras anyway?

To put it simply, Chakras are simply energy centers at different points throughout the body which store & provide different types of energy.

Much like meridians that are activated during acupuncture, Chakras can either be overactive or underactive.

Hundreds of Chakras can be found throughout the body, however, most often the focus is on the 7 Major Chakras which consist of the:

Root: energy source for feeling grounded, supported;

Sacral: energy source for creativity, sexual energy, flexibility, & balance.

Solar: energy source for confidence, closing the deal, detailed analysis.

Heart: energy source for love & compassion.

Throat: energy source for communication.

Brow: energy source for intuition & wisdom.

Crown: energy source for connecting to a power greater than ourselves.

The beauty of learning to address our healing holistically and tending to what is happening with our body, mind, & spirit is we become more empowered in caring for our needs.

The awareness also allows for us to be more intentional about how we direct our thoughts, energy, & body.

I’m encouraged to see how many more people are becoming open to exploring these healing modalities in addition to therapy.  For Black & Brown people, many of us are finding ourselves feeling more connected to these forms of healing as our DNA remembers the ways our ancestors cared for their wounds.

If you’re interested in learning more about energy healing, chakras, & combining everything together be sure to check out my new podcast Chakras + Sex + Relationships.  Episode 1: What Are Chakras Anyway will also give you a deeper understanding of each of the major chakras & how the energy flows between them.

And if you’re in Texas & interested in working together sign up for your 15-minute complimentary session where we’ll discuss what’s bringing you to therapy & how I might be able to support you.

Disclaimer: THE FLOW & EASE HEALING CENTER blog is not intended to be a substitute for legal, ethical or medical consultation or for treatment and is strictly for educational and entertainment purposes.  Nothing found on the website or email is a substitute for professional psychological, psychiatric or medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical or mental health condition.